Honoring Mrs. Vasiliki Petrou - October 29, 2023

Honoring Mrs. Vasiliki Petrou for her 26 Years of dedication as a Greek teacher in the Greek School of Panaghia of Island Park!
President Mr. George Nikias on behalf of the Parish Council, alongside Fr. George, and members of our Greek School, came together to honor Mrs. Vasiliki Petrou for her remarkable contribution as a Greek language teacher in our school for 26 years. It was a special and emotional moment filled with joy and gratitude as we celebrated her retirement.
Mrs. Petrou's commitment and passion for teaching have left a lasting impact on countless students throughout the years. She has played a vital role in preserving and promoting the Greek language and culture within our community. Her dedication has been truly inspiring and we are immensely grateful for her unwavering service.
Mrs. Petrou was joined by her supportive husband and loving family members, her children and grandchildren who have been pillars of strength throughout her career. Their presence further highlighted the significance of this occasion and the collective appreciation for Mrs. Petrou's contributions.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mrs. Vasiliki Petrou on her well-deserved retirement. Her legacy as a dedicated educator will continue to inspire generations to come. May this new chapter in her life be filled with joy, fulfillment, and new adventures.
Congratulations Mrs. Bessie as all your students called you! Thank you for your invaluable service to our community!
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